Sunday, June 24, 2007

Almost Outta Here

We leave in the morning. All has been pretty calm, except today things got a bit hectic. There are lots of last minute details! Plus, Nicholas has become very needy (his way of coping with stress). Nonetheless, we are excited and hoping for a sane trip. I received a voicemail tonight from Northwest airlines telling me our flight was cancelled and I needed to call to reschedule. I nearly wrecked the car when I got the message. Anyway, after declining a 6:40am flight to Detroit (our original departure city), we are rebooked to go to Minneapolis at 11am. Then we fly direct to Tokyo (13 hours). We will spend the night in Tokyo and fly to Saipan the next morning, arriving in Saipan at 3pm on Wed. The schedule is very similar ot our original one. Thanks to all of you who have given us moral support, plus airplane activities, etc. We will put them all to good use (including the Benadryl!).
We had great visits from our family. First my sister, Kelly, came, then Sherry and Ron (Ryan's parents), then my mom. Nisa (black lab) will be living my mom for the next year, enjoying the good life of lake living and RV camping. I hated to say goodbye (after 11 years!). Thanks also to our loving Belmont friends and neighborhood gang who helped us celebrate our departure. We will miss you dearly. The process of leaving has been a blessing in itself, with so many showing their love and affection.
Andy and Rich (Andy's brother) will take us to the airport tomorrow (yes, it takes two cars). Thanks in advance for your prayers!!!
Pictures of camping/cabin trip with Kelly, Andy, Sandra, Ryan and the kids (Nicholas, Morgan, and Jasmin)
love, love Kim

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