Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Boonie Stomping

Much of Saipan is unmolested jungle, aka "boonie". Kim and I explore it occasionally as part of the Saipan Hash Hound Harriers, a group that hikes through the jungle following a trail set by the "hares" (the group is a derivative of English games in which "hounds" chase "hares" who have a head start through uncharted territory--practically speaking, it is a way to see parts of the island we would otherwise never see, be with friends, get some exercise, drink beer, and excuse all kinds of vulgarity).
Each time we run the Hash, Nicholas wants a full account. Did we see any tigers? Any monkeys? How did you get so muddy?
So last Saturday while Morgan caught up on her beauty rest, Nicholas and I stomped through a boonie by our house. He was very courageous as we followed a creek bed down to a beautiful bamboo forest (can you see Nicholas in the picture of the bamboo?). Along the way, we encountered frogs, lizards, and even a dead goat that had been washed down the valley. We crossed bamboo bridges, climbed small cliffs, fell into muddy water, braced ourselves with banana trees, and were feasted upon by mosquitoes. No tigers or monkeys, but lots of fun.

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