Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day

We decided a few weeks ago that we would take a year off of our annual Mothers' Day party. That gave me the opportunity (maybe the last chance) to surprise Kim with a Mothers' Day party. Nicholas almost kept the secret.
We had a lot of fun with several of our friends. The food was from Herman's Modern Bakery (established on Saipan in 1945 during WWII), and the music was provided by an Hawaiian trio of two electric ukuleles and a bass. They joined us for a swim and entertained us with songs like "Coconut girl in a high-fashion world" and "Long before there was Clark Kent, there was a Hawaiian superman", as well as versions of "Black Magic Woman" and "Big Yellow Taxi".
Happy Mothers' Day, and see you at the 5th annual party in Nashville!

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